It's a conundrum. That, by the way, is my word of the day. I've used it twice today.
One of the women is easy. She's one of my closest friends at work. I know her and her family. Heck, I have pictures of my fridge that her kids have drawn for me. I got that one, no problem. But the other two...that's a pickle. So who wants to help me figure it out?
One of them was my partner for a year and I miss her so! She was awesome. I never had to hold her hand or check on her. She did everything she had to do and was always so happy about it, even when she was stressed. I know she loves dangly earrings and has fun playing with makeup. I've been searching for the perfect pair of earrings for her and I can't find anything that screams "Lei!" at me. And while I have made a few jewelry pieces in the past I just don't know if I have the time to make something perfect for her and that makes me sad because I want it to be HER, you know?
Like these, I could totally see her wearing these!

Okay, great, now I love those for her. How the heck am I going to get those by next week Tuesday? Genius I tell you. Guess I'm hitting Ward Warehouse this weekend to look for something similar. If I can get there with all of this APEC nonsense/road closures.
Hostess #3, now she is the tough one. See, I met her just a few months ago when she started with the company and we hit it off. I really like her. I get her, you know? And she gets me. We just amuse each other. It's great. But man is she tough. I know bits and pieces about her....some of the foods she likes, drinks, etc but it doesn't seem like enough to get her a gift that means something. I mean really, what can I do, wrap up a tin of biscuits and be "here you go N! Thanks for a great shower!" Yeah, not so much. She's not a makeup girl, nor have I seen lotions and whatnot on her desk (and really, that's a cop-out gift anyway) Ugh, who knew this would be so hard! I wonder if I would offend her if I gave her a gift card to Victoria's Secret?
And exactly when do you give the hostess the gift? How much leeway do you have? A week later? 2 weeks? That day? What?? Oh, the stress of finding something awesome (times 3!) and I still have to Christmas shop. Great, now I'm depressed and I have no ice cream in the house. Hmmm, but I do have have chocolate covered coconut macadamia nuts....okay, time for a snack!